Kintyre Community Care Forum

Steven Clarkson, Manager of Argyll and Bute Care and Repair attended this event on Thursday 22nd September at Campbeltown Town Hall. Thank you to all who came along and spoke to us and to those who took away details on our service.  We hope this will be of assistance, but we would also be delighted to meet with you to discuss any further enquiries. 



New Vans

New van and Raymond

We have replaced three of our ageing traditional dark blue vans with three new vans in the Kintyre, Bute and Helensburgh areas (as per picture) to ensure that we continue to provide a safe and reliable Care and Repair Service. 

Our 2 remaining lower mileage blue vans covering Oban. Mid Argyll & Islands and the Dunoon areas will be replaced at a later date.